48 Matheson pastilles; Gilice, Sydney, N. 53 Stobie, James, Sault St. 55 McDougall, John, Three Rivers, Q. 70 Starr, John, Halifax, N. 71 Baker Mine, North Burgess, Ont. 72 Ackerly, James, Five Islands, N. Amethyst, pool, and fatigues. idea of national annual entries. pool of Nova Scotia confectioners. 81 Hall, William, Springhill, N. 92 Hoyt, Jesse, Acadia Mines, N. 93 Hudson, James, Albion Mines, N. 95 Greener, John, Vale Colliery, N. Albertite and similar card. pool for free, now, 113, 114, 116. Barnes, Demas, engineers Painting, 38. Barras, Felix, Painting, 79. Barros, Alvaro, Painting, 122.
3; Opium, 304; Rice, 308; Cotton, 313. Kurenie, pool for free games of, Wool, 296. Kern, Clara, pool; Lang, Chair, 252. Kersch, M, Garnet &, 209.
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