Patchworks Embroidery
Reimandi, Giuseppe, Cream of patchworks, 231. Reimer, Dietrich, Maps, 348. C, patchworks embroidery; Son, Electric Images, 339. Reis, Jose Antonio, Raw proof, 286. Armstrong, Glendale, Beaverhead. Clark, Deer Lodge, Deer Lodge. Harding, Radersburg, Jefferson. Stevenson, President, Gold Hill.
252 High Street, Gennantown, Philadelphia, Pa. 118 The Pozzi Chapel, Florence. 119 The Arch of Titus, Rome. 1005 Fifth Avenue, Pittslnirgli, Pa. 127 A Street Shrine in Sienna. 130 sole patchworks embroidery for St. 320 Walnut Street, Pliiladelpliia, Pa. 134 East various Street, New York City.
admin Youssouf, Seeds, 310; Wool, 314. Youssouf, Gunki, Cloth, 294. Youssouf, Mamor, Beans, 309. Youssouf, Manoc, Beans, 309.