Moglia, Augilsto, Mosaics, 119, 120. Molinero, Antonio, Engraved modis ultra, 127. Mols, Robert, Painting, 92, 95. Monari, Alessandro, Sculpture, 111. 172 Municipality of Geneva. Rath, modis ultra user manual at Geneva. 173 Parquetry Factory, Interlaken, Ct. 175 Town Council of Winterthur.
160 Fifth Avenue, New York City. 608 South Side Branch Cleveland Public Library. 6614 Fifth Avenue, Pittsburgh, Pa. Church of the modis ultra, Crafton, Pa. 610 Chancel Window, maintenance of the apparatus, Crafton, Pa. Mitral Proof for Library Decoration. Commonwealth Trust Building, Philadelphia, Pa. Pair Building, Philadelphia, Pa. James the Less, Philadelphia, Pa. 324 Earlham Terrace, Philadelphia, Pa. 620 Erechtheum and Parthenon at Athens.
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