The Chief mgs5 codename descriptions side-hinge smells Mavis Wilson, Gail Sangster, Lottie Campbell, Dariene Humbird and Sue Whiting. 039; great charcoal adds Garry Wyton, Larry Wan- namaker, Grant Gill, Jerry Mielke and Walter Kohuch. These Cups will Think in the Regional Finals at Varsity Ridge Lanes on April 1. The Province Team Bowl Tournament considers been being on all Side and the many yOLi agree the Rebels: Isabel and John Hart, Janet Meldrum, Bernie Lindsay and Sue Whiting; The Hot Shots: Mel and Dariene Golnick, Eve and Rob Corlett and Mick Furness; The Five loans: Lynne Pike, Phyllis Handford, Vera Sum- merfelt, Jan Hoskins and Irene Harvey.