Advertise on the SissyShack and

Need more traffic?  Start here!

  If you have already have an advertising package at the old price level, your price will NOT raise unless you terminate your advertising and want to restart later.

Update: in the March of 2005 got 2,064,569 hits and  153,436 visitors.

             Billing will appear as SHorizons on your statement.  Email Princess to cancel your rebilling at ANY time for ANY reason. If you prefer to pay with CCBILL see the below form instead.
Package 1  $75/month recurring billing every 30 days
1 large banner on the left side of toplist (the SissyShack toplist) up to size
160 x 240.  All side banners must be 160 wide
but can be shorter than 240.

Package 2 $100/month recurring billing every 30 days.
1 large banner on the left side of toplist (the SissyShack toplist) up to size (160 x240).  All side banners must be 160 wide but can be shorter than 240.   Banner rotation throughout the entire toplist, as well as banner rotation through all the pages of x 60) including the index page of  Sign up now  and reserve yourself a great spot.

This banner advertisement doesn't come with any fancy stats yet.  I have yet been able to figure out how to set up phpadsnew.   HumiliateHim/SissyShack toplist is a popular toplist.  It's only been around for like a year and has grown rapidly, comparing with many toplists that have been around for years.  If you are already a member of it, check your own stats and see how the traffic it brings compares to other toplists you belong.  Charges are recurring but you cancel anytime.  Pay with My cart,  or CCbill.  You are welcome to have slaves pay for your advertisement for you.   I will also provide advertisors with's traffic stats so that they can check for themselves.  Questions?  Email Princess
Note: in September got around 1,500,000 hits and 118,000 visitors.  Every month, those hits are growing. 
Update: in the March of 2005 got 2,064,569 hits and  153,436 visitors.  An average of  66,599 hits and 4,949 visitors a day.

Not interested in buying banner advertisement?  Feel free to Join the TopList.
MasterCard, Visa, Discover, JCB accepted

Copyright © 2004 CCBILL, LLCD
Want to pay some other way?  Email Princess and see